IB programme curriculum

The International Baccalaureate programme (IB programme) is an integral structure of teaching that is extremely respected around the globe and followed by educational institutions, mostly because of its ability to guide students and allow them to reach their potential and, also, to raise global citizens, inculcating these values since the freshman year until their entrance to the adult world.


First years

At this point, the students start to internalize concepts such as self-respect (And as a consequence, respect to the others), the permanent questioning of things, the expressions of curiosity, doubting, experimentation and exploration. This has an immediate effect on the student’s way of heading new challenges and, when they grow adult, will help them to embrace knowledge given from a critical position.


Middle education

During these years, that occur during pre-adolescence and adolescence of the student, the focus in the teaching is mostly directed to relate previous knowledge and recently acquired, with the real world, so they figure out how to apply that knowledge properly. Here is where critical thinking starts to really show up, because it has been inculcated during the first years and now is being strongly encouraged. This is the age when the student finds out who wants to be in life, what does he/she want to study in college (Or if he/she wants to go).
During middle education, the students search for their own knowledge and, guided by a teacher, they start to really acquire knowledge instead of memorizing something out of a whiteboard or a book. They perfectly understand the value of their intelligence and opinion.

Diploma Programme (Programa de Diplomado)

When the student reaches 16 years of age beings the last stage of the International Baccaulaurete Programme (Lasts until 19 years old). In this final period of learning, the youngsters learn to create their own projects and make them real. Frequently these projects include community services, so they can watch their goals happen in real world.

If you want to have more information about IB Programme and how is it applied in the International College Madrid, you can find it here: www.nordangliaeducation.com/our-schools/madrid